First, we started the day with a devo from Utmost for His Highest-actually-we did two. One was focussed on serving, not out of show, but out of obedience...and the second was on seeing God in the process...and trusting Him in the purpose for what ever process we are experiencing-each of us unique. Both were very timely for what we experienced today.
Here are a few of my favorite moments:
1. Arriving at Ithemba and going into the classroom and watching the kids light up and cheer...and then singing "If you're happy and you know it clap your hands" spontaneously with my new friends. (Matt was in a separate classroom-but when we came out he said-he knew where I was as soon as the singing started:)

3. Seeing Rich get a mohawk and Katie get new braids. The kids here are fascinated with our hair so they play "Beauty Shop" all day long.
4. Touring the safe house-its almost finished. Just internal touches left-we hope to have kids in it in the next month-yeah!!!
With these cheerful thoughts, we are also struggling with the harder ones-like why do the kids and their families have to live like this? How can a good God allow such poverty and misfortune to coexist in such a beautiful place? And why isn't the community here caring better for their own people?
Matthew shed some perspective this morning when he woke up-it was freezing in the room he slept in...but he quickly said, "If I am cold in a house like this-think of those people sleeping in shantys with no heat, food, or blankets. I have no need to complain-I have more than I need."
I wonder how many of us have more than we need and if so, how can we leverage that "more" for the good of those who don't?
So that's a little picture into our time so far and some of the things we're wrestling with. I know God is Sovereign and there is a plan at work...I am just asking him to show me my part in the process.
With much love and gratitude,
PS-I am updating from my blackberry-so please forgive typos. Also, for pictures, please visit my facebook page:)
Hey guys! I am so glad that you made it there safely! You have been in my thoughts and prayers. I hope to see some pics if you get the chance to put them on your blog (still not on Facebook:(). I hope that your week brings many more special moments. Please know that there are many of us that are pondering the same questions along with you. Can't wait to hear more. Much Love, Cathy Reed