Sunday, July 19, 2009

Arrival in Jeffreys Bay...

What a long but extremely fun trip it's been...Matt,Rich, Jess, Ben, Kate and me arrived safely to Jo-burg last night after a VERY long flight.

We checked in to the hotel and then dashed out to one of my favorite restaurants-Moya-worth the Google and the visit should you ever find yourself in Jo-burg.. Best steak you'll ever find, the atmosphere amazing and the people super friendly.

This morning we got up and checked out of our 12 hour stay at the Southern Sun hotel and boarded the last leg of our flight to Jeffreys Bay.

Gavin picked us and all our luggage up (yeah it all made it) and we took off for the 45 minute drive from Port Elizabeth to JBay. It is truly beautiful here. (I am updating this blog from my blackberry-so can't post pics now-but check out the photos on facebook.) The Billabong surf tournament just ended but there were a few wind surfers out making a day of it.

We then came back to the house and met the rest of our team and then headed back out for a drive around the city and checked out Ithemba. Tonight was our bonding, rest, and prep nighta - so we cooked in, played games and laughed a lot with some of our new South African friends.

Tomorrow we head out to our first day at Ithemba. We will try to get to an internet cafe and I will upload some pics!

Thanks for all the prayers-we are so excited to meet the kids tomorrow!!!

Night Night,

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LUO video at Orange Conference 2009 - a peek at Ithemba