Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thursday...a little delayed...

Hi guys...

Sorry I wasn't able to update the blog yesterday...I was down and out with a mild case of the flu and didn't get a chance to post. I am feeling MUCH better today. However "Londsay" is still battling a major case of the flu mixed with a bacterial we spent most of yesterday resting while the rest of our team spent the morning at Ithemba and the afternoon assembling the pencil kits we bought for the kids.

As I had closed the previous was wet, windy, & cold here and we were wondering how the kids were surviving the night. Well, Ithemba was pretty vacant on Thursday. A lot of the kids didn't have dry clothes to wear and usually spend the day after the rain helping their parents get the water out of their house. It's typically a low attendance day. I just can't imagine it. Wait til you see the pics we've taken. There are no words...just heartache...and a longing for justice.

The shining moment that everyone came home talking about was the fact that the car we are riding in died...and so the guys had to push start it with the help of some kids from Ithemba. Finally, a good Samaritan that lived in the township wanted to help them. After trying to help them push start it, he drove back to his house and picked up jumper cables and finally got the guys going. The team was so grateful.

I think that one moment illustrates to me how I wish the world was. What would it look like if we all just took a moment to stop and meet the needs of the person right in front of us? It's so easy to go on with our busy lives and just easier pretend we don't see it for fear of having to get involved in something that may take more of our time, money, energy, effort. Who knows...but if we all just did it - I think the world would be a much better place...and in that simple act of selflessness, we would learn more about ourselves, our God, and humanity in the process.

For not feeling my best...God sure did show me a great lesson. I am thankful for Thursday.

“Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.” (Daniel 12:3)

Grace and Peace,
Becca, Matt & Rich

PS - Please pray that God will heal Lindsay aka Londsay.

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LUO video at Orange Conference 2009 - a peek at Ithemba