Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lions, Giraffes & Tigers...Oh boy!

Today was a fun day - to rest, relax and process all that we saw this week...and of course to take in some of the local atmosphere...and all things Africa :)
The boys got up early and headed out to catch the "best waves" and then came back in time to pick the girls up and head downtown for a fabulous brunch at inFoods...the best coffee in town. We then trekked out to a Lion Park and drove through "the wild."

It was super cool - we will definitely have to post some pics. I think the Lions and the Giraffes were crowd favorites, but we also saw a baboon, wildebeest, warthogs, tigers, and zebras, springboks & deers w/ stripes (not sure what those were.) Some of us even braved the lion pen and played with the animals (supervised of fun!) However the funniest site is fitting 8 of us in a hatchback wagon...we definitely look like a clown car :)

We ended the day we a great Greek inspired dinner and a good conversation. We have definitely all made new lifelong friends on this journey.

Tomorrow we will head to church to worship with our new South African friends.

Til tomorrow...

Becca, Matt & Rich

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LUO video at Orange Conference 2009 - a peek at Ithemba